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Ausgewähltes Angebot: I love me - Gourmet Package

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I love me - Gourmet Package


Treat yourself and enjoy this package that includes two or more nights in a room of your choice, our rich and famous unhurried breakfast, a gourmet dinner in a lovely little restaurant that we like so much and a packed-lunch prepared by us to make a nice pic-nic!

- room of your choice
- Sweet and salted breakfast, drinks at will, unlimited time
- Dinner in one of our favorite local restaurant (1 dinner, on a date to be agreed only once during the stay). THE AMOUNT INDICATED IN THE RESERVATION IS APPROXIMATE. The final bill of the dinner will be paid to us in the final balance.
- 1 Packed-lunch per person (on a date to be agreed only once during the stay) with sandwiches, quiche, sweets and drink. All home made!


Dauer des Angebotspakets: Ab 2 Tage
Mögliche Ankunftstage: Mi, Do, Fr, Sa


Angebotspaket enthält

  Gourmet Dinner
  Free Wi-Fi

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