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Ausgewähltes Angebot: I love you - Romantic package

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I love you - Romantic package


Surprise the person you love the most giving this super...rrrrrrrrromantic package! 2 nights in the Teacher's Room, in the attic, with a lovely colour palette and the Belle Epoque bathtub, a bottle of bubble bath gel to make lots of bubbles, a bottle of wine and two wine glasses and our delicious and nourishing breakfast that you can do late, without haste.

- Teacher's Room, subject to availability
- Bubble bath gel vintage look bottle
- Bottle of wine from a fine local winery


Dauer des Angebotspakets: Ab 2 Tage
Mögliche Ankunftstage: Mo, Di, Mi, Do, Fr, Sa, So


Angebotspaket enthält

  Free Wi-Fi
  Bottle of wine
  Duftendes Schaumbad

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